About Daily Inspirations

What it's all about

The internet has become a very nasty place.  But it doesn't have to be this way.  As a member of Generation X, the generation that ushered in the mainstream internet, I remember looking forward to a bright and beautiful future where there were no more barriers to communication; geographical, cultural, financial or otherwise.  All of the world's knowledge was at our fingertips and our ability to make friends and spread positivity were untethered and unlimited!

To a large degree, this is not how things seem to be unfolding.  Instead of spreading love and positivity, I see so much hate and negativity.  Instead of making friends, people are making enemies.  Instead of sharing information, we are sharing misinformation.

Color me an optimist, but I say it is not too late!  Yes, hatred can be infectious, but so can love.  All it takes is for people to make the decision to be happy, to be loving, to spread joy and positivity and encouragement, and then do it.  Decide, then do.  It seems so simple to say it out loud.  And maybe it is.  Maybe it has eluded us because of its simplicity in this complex world.

And so that is what Daily Inspirations is all about.  We want to do our part and we want to help everyone do theirs.  Our goal is to use the internet as a means of spreading positivity and encouragement.  We want to reclaim this medium!  And we want your help in doing it.

How it works

Our blog is an extension of our YouTube channel, Daily Inspirations, where we share beautiful, peaceful nature scenes accompanied by relaxing music and two inspirational quotes. These quotes are intended to inspire you, to help you see the beauty in yourself and in others, and to encourage you to live a life filled with positivity, kindness, and love.

Each day, we share a new blog post that corresponds with that day's video. In these posts, we'll explore each of the quotes in more detail, providing examples of how to apply the quotes to your everyday life, and sharing inspiring stories of how others have used the ideas expressed therein to enhance their own positivity and spread love and happiness to those around them.

We then encourage you to comment.  Share your own stories of how that day's themes have helped you; on the day, in the past, or ways you plan to embrace the concepts to move forward.

All are welcome

There are no boundaries and no barriers here.  All are welcome!  This is a place to share your happiness or to find it.  This is a place to share your tragedy and find encouragement.  The only moderation to the forums here will be to strictly keep hatred at bay.  This is a place to spread positivity.  This is a safe place where you can share your stories and not face judgement or negativity.  This is a place for sharing, caring, friendship, positivity, love, laughter, encouragement, hope, and light.


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